Visitors are welcome to wander our grounds when Hedgerow is open to the public. Our house, built in the 1820s, is one of the oldest in the area. When we arrived here in 1997 the house and a small shed occupied a site overgrown with multiflora roses and not much else. Over time we built a barn, developed raised-bed vegetable gardens and perennial beds and planted trees and shrubs. Eventually we replaced the shed with a small gallery structure and attached pergola deck.

Early on we also acquired additional land abutting our property. This we cleared to function as the work yard for our landscape design business, while leaving around five acres as untouched woods bordering the Ridge Road marsh.

This area has slowly morphed into also becoming the heart of our “farming” operation with many more raised beds, cutting gardens, fruit trees, berries, hoop houses, and a post-and-beam greenhouse.

Here there is also room for bulk supplies of organic compost, dark bark mulch and loam which we use for landscape projects and also supply to local customers.